Issues while pulling the documents in couchbase 2.0 ios

I am getting this sync error while pulling documents in ios in couchbaselite 2.0 .

CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#1}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.354903+0530 VResortsClient[575:106931] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#1} Got error response: HTTP 404 'missing’

2018-08-14 17:19:59.759095+0530 VResortsClient[575:106907] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#2}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.759655+0530 VResortsClient[575:106931] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#3}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.760428+0530 VResortsClient[575:106907] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#2} Got error response: HTTP 404 'missing’

2018-08-14 17:19:59.761128+0530 VResortsClient[575:106896] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#4}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.761645+0530 VResortsClient[575:106975] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#5}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.762207+0530 VResortsClient[575:106931] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#3} Got error response: HTTP 404 'missing’

2018-08-14 17:19:59.762578+0530 VResortsClient[575:106930] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#6}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.763562+0530 VResortsClient[575:107079] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#7}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.763780+0530 VResortsClient[575:106907] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#8}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

2018-08-14 17:19:59.764211+0530 VResortsClient[575:107080] CouchbaseLite Sync ERROR: {IncomingBlob#9}==> litecore::repl::IncomingBlob ->

Thanks in advance.

Looks like some blobs in docs you’re pulling are not available on the server. I don’t know why this would be happening; it seems like a SG issue, so are there any warnings in the SG log?