

We have recently started running into an issue with Couchbase server. We have been on Couchbase for a couple of months and this hasn’t happened with the app before.

App: Play Framework app
Env: AWS EC2, m3.medium (4GB RAM)

The app launches, connects to our login page and then when we try to sign in, thats when the timeout occurs. We noticed that the CPU utilization on the Couchbase server admin hits 100% and then the timeout happens.

Any help is much appreciated!

Error snippet:

[ERROR] [09/22/2014 15:01:17.152] [] [akka://application/user/$a] Timed out waiting for operation
java.lang.RuntimeException: Timed out waiting for operation
at com.couchbase.client.internal.HttpFuture.get(
at com.couchbase.client.CouchbaseClient.query(
at nosql.User.getListToSendActivationMail(