LEFT JOIN doesn't includes groups with zero size

I need to show count associated with each group even if the count is zero, however the query below shows shows non empty groups only. Could anyone please review the query.

select RAW count(1) from accountMgmt as act
left outer join accountMgmt as ci
on META(act).id = ci.accountToken
act.type=“account” and
act.packageName = “VR3” and
act.status = ‘ACTIVATED’ and
ci.type=“catalogItem” and
group by

I modified query to be:

select RAW count(1) from accountMgmt as act
left outer join accountMgmt as ci
on META(act).id = ci.accountToken
act.type=“account” and
act.packageName = “VR3” and
act.status = “ACTIVATED” and
(ci IS MISSING OR (ci.type=“catalogItem” and
group by

I use following index for ci term:

CREATE INDEX index_catalogitems ON accountMgmt ( accountToken, status, durationMinutes )
WHERE ( type= “catalogItem” and (status = ‘RECORDED’ or status = ‘BOOKED’ ));

But now I get following error:

“No index available for ANSI join term ci”,

FROM accountMgmt AS act
LEFT OUTER JOIN accountMgmt AS ci
ON META(act).id = ci.accountToken AND ci.type="catalogItem" AND ci.status="RECORDED"
WHERE act.type="account" AND act.packageName = "VR3" AND
act.status = "ACTIVATED" AND
GROUP BY META(act).id;

CREATE INDEX index_catalogitems ON accountMgmt ( accountToken, status, durationMinutes ) WHERE type="catalogItem";

Do not Use OR Clause in index WHERE clause

Now empty groups are in the resultset, but count() for these groups is 1 rather than 0

Use COUNT(ci) instead of COUNT(1)

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