Limiting data in NEST expression


I am trying to pass a LIMIT and an offset to a NEST on document keys.

Let’s say I have the following “user_account::1” document:

  "interests": [
  "_id": 1,
  "_type": "user_account",
  "created_at": 1472741410

And various interests documents, like the following “interest::7” that I am joining in “user_account::1” document:

  "name": "Interest 7 for example",
  "_id": 7,
  "_type": "user_interest",
  "created_at": 1472741410

I have tried the following approach, however it did not gave me any result back:

SELECT interestsDetails FROM default
NEST default interestsDetails ON KEYS default.interests[0:20]

WHERE default._type = "user_account" AND
      default._id = 1
ORDER BY default.created_at DESC

Supposedly, it should get a range starting in OFFSET 0 and LIMIT 20.

In the other hand, the query without the range works perfectly, however I am not really able to OFFSET/LIMIT it.

SELECT interestsDetails FROM default
NEST default interestsDetails ON KEYS default.interests

WHERE default._type = "user_account" AND
      default._id = 1
ORDER BY default.created_at DESC

How can I approach a similar thing here?


It looks like our array slice operator is too stringent. Try the following:

SELECT interestsDetails FROM default d
NEST default interestsDetails ON KEYS d.interests[ 0 : LEAST( 20, ARRAY_LENGTH( d.interests ) ) ]

If you are selecting a single user, the ORDER BY and LIMIT will have no effect. You should also look at the USE KEYS clause for selecting a single user by primary key.

Thanks a lot @geraldss.

I ended up having my query like:

SELECT interestsDetails FROM default d
USE KEYS "user_account::X"
NEST default interestsDetails ON KEYS d.favorite_interests[ 0 : LEAST( 20, ARRAY_LENGTH( d.favorite_interests ) ) ] 

Thanks a lot!

@geraldss from what I’ve observed the 0 in the interests does not really work like an “offset”. I need to always keep it at least to 1 to get any result back.

Let’s say I do want to get the second result. In an usual query I would say OFFSET 1 LIMIT 1. Doing that here would give me no results.

What would be the correct way to use it as such filters?

This works for me. Can you try this example.

cbq> select [1, 2, 3][1:2];
    "requestID": "481b5d5c-42c4-426b-9ba7-672e325349c0",
    "signature": {
        "$1": "array"
    "results": [
            "$1": [
    "status": "success",

Forget it. Figured it out.

For giving me the results I wanted, I need to sum the offset plus the limit in the “limit” field, so I could get the result I want.
