Login and Signup using couchbaseLite + Ionic (Mobile app)

Hi. I can give you my code that you can apply to your case.
I have created a factory to access Couchbase:

.factory('CouchBase', ['$window',function($window) {
var couchbase = {}
//load sites list
couchbase.refreshSitesView = function() {
	var options = {
		descending : false
  return divePlanDatabase.queryView("sites",options)
return couchbase;

in the config I have defined the views and the divePlanDatabase general variable:

this.diveplanViews = 
			sites : {
				map : function(doc, meta) 
					if (doc.type == "site" && doc.name && doc.geography && doc.geography.country) {
									name : doc.name,
									lat : doc.geography.latitude,
									lng : doc.geography.longitude

And finally in the view controller you can call a function that can be refreshed everytime the database receives some update:

function refreshSites() {
	CouchBase.refreshSitesView().then(function(sitesList) {			
		$scope.sites = sitesList.rows;

//refresh on database change
$rootScope.$on("couchbase:change:site", function(event) {
$rootScope.$on("couchbase:deleted", function(event) {

This is done using ngCouchbaseLite with a little tweak that sends a:

$rootScope.$broadcast("couchbase:change:" + doc.type);

from within the “listen” function.