MERGE with UPDATE not working as expected?

Your query did not match any records because is not a part of the Key of document in travel-sample.

In this case you can use direct update instead of merge.

The merge query is.

merge into travel-sample p using (select meta().id from travel-sample where name=‘Texas Wings’) as d on key when matched then update set p.iata=‘Bush’;

merge into travel-sample p using (select d.type||"_"||to_string( as idx from travel-sample d where‘Texas Wings’) as d on key d.idx when matched then update set p.iata=‘Bush’;

If you need to use * you need to select all the fileds of the document not the whole document like below.

merge into travel-sample p
using (select d.* from travel-sample d where‘Texas Wings’) as d on key
when matched then update set p.iata=‘Bush’

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