Missing documents after replication

We are currently trying to replicate data from bucketA to bucketB. We have performed the following command:

curl -X POST --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ --header ‘Accept: application/json’ -d ‘{ “source”: “bucketA”, “target”: “http://localhost:4985/bucketB”, “continuous”: false }’ ‘http://localhost:4985/_replicate

This command runs succesfull. Afterwards, we have checked the number of documents in both buckets and noticed we are missing 12 documents in bucketB. After investigation, the 12 missing documents have 1 thing in common: they have multiple seq numbers:


All other documents have a single seq number.

What version of sync gateway are you using?

We are using v1.5.1. but it is possible those docs are in the bucket from when we were using v1.4


Looks like SG Replication is having trouble with a buffered sequence number.

Could you report the issue here. https://github.com/couchbase/sync_gateway/issues

It seems that after a while those 12 docs got a normal seq id. I have retriggered the replication but those 12 docs are still missing from bucketB

When you say you can’t find documents in the Couchbase web interface (I assume this is the Couchbase Server Admin Console- these are documents that have been successfully replicated from Device 2 to Device 1? Are you able to retrieve these documents via the Sync Gateway Admin REST API (doing a simple GET on the doc id)?