N1QL - Creating an index for nested elements

Hi All,
I’m interested too in this kind of indexing and modifying the GSI index.
We have millions of object like the following and querying on Signals and Samples is a common use case.

  "StartTime": "2014-06-25T03:22:28",
  "EndTime": "2014-06-25T04:53:26",
  "EventDetails": "blablabla",  
  "Signals": [{
    "StartTime": "2014-06-25T03:22:28",
    "Value": 123,
    "Samples": [
      {"SampleTime": "2014-06-25T03:22:27","Value": 0.0,"Offset": -1},
      {"SampleTime": "2014-06-25T03:22:28","Value": 0.0,"Offset": 0},
      {"SampleTime": "2014-06-25T03:22:29","Value": 0.0,"Offset": 1}
    "OtherPropsDetails": "blablabla"
  "OtherPropsDetails": "blablabla"

Thank you, Raoul