N1QL paths for deeply nested data



I have a problem with some data that i have to skip in N1QL paths. For example

> "paths": {
>     "/emv3dsecure/v1/devicedatacollection": {
>       "post": {
>         "summary": "EMV 3D SEcure Device Data Collection API",
>         "parameters": [
>           {
>             "name": "ProfileId",
>             "in": "query",
>             "description": "ProfileId for Cors Authentication",
>             "required": true,
>             "style": "form",
>             "explode": true,
>             "schema": {
>               "type": "string"
>             }
>           }
>         ]
>     },
>     "/emv3dsecure/v1/stepup": {
>       "post": {
>         "summary": "EMV 3D Secure StepUp API",
>         "parameters": [
>           {
>             "name": "ProfileId",
>             "in": "query",
>             "description": "ProfileId for Cors Authentication",
>             "required": true,
>             "style": "form",
>             "explode": true,
>             "schema": {
>               "type": "string"
>             }
>           }
>         ]
>     },
>     "/emv3dsecure/v1/merchantreturnurl": {
>       "post": {
>         "parameters": [
>           {
>             "name": "TransactionId",
>             "in": "query",
>             "description": "Transaction Id included in Step Up JWT",
>             "required": true,
>             "style": "form",
>             "explode": true,
>             "schema": {
>               "type": "string"
>             }
>           }

I have to skip “/emv3dsecure/v1/devicedatacollection” and search for nested fields in parameters array. The level “/emv3dsecure/v1/devicedatacollection” contains information that i am not able to know. In the same way i need to skip “/emv3dsecure/v1/stepup” and “/emv3dsecure/v1/merchantreturnurl” fields.
I tried
OBJECT_VALUES(paths)[0].post path in WHERE Clause but it returns only the data below the first post field. Why OBJECT_VALUES(paths)[*].post is not working? Is there any other way to solve that problem?
I need to be able to retrieve data below all post fields

It will work . post becomes ARRAY. I would recommend first do in projection and see how the structure then try use in WHERE clause.

FROM  mybucket  AS m
WHERE  ANY v IN ARRAY_FLATTEN(OBJECT_VALUES(paths)[*].post[*].parameters,2)   SATISFIES v.name =  "TransactionId" END;

 SELECT  m.*
    FROM  mybucket  AS m
    WHERE  ANY v  IN OBJECT_VALUES(m.paths) SATISFIES (ANY p IN v.post.parameters SATISFIES p.name =  "TransactionId" END) END;

 SELECT  m.*
        FROM  mybucket  AS m
        WHERE  ANY v  WITHIN m.paths SATISFIES (ANY p IN v.post.parameters SATISFIES p.name =  "TransactionId" END) END;

You can skip as many levels as you want (using WITHIN) as long as you can identify the field uniquely

        FROM  mybucket  AS m
        WHERE  ANY v  WITHIN {m} SATISFIES v.name =  "TransactionId" END ;

Any where in the document name = “TransactionId” qualifies the document

        FROM  mybucket  AS m
        WHERE  ANY v  WITHIN m.paths SATISFIES  IS_ARRAY(v.parameters) AND  (ANY p IN v.parameters SATISFIES p.name =  "TransactionId" END) END;

I tried to skip levels of nesting using your last queries, but it didn’t work! I created some indexes about that, but i can’t extract info about parameters without using the ‘post’ field in my query

post the exact query you tried.

SELECT ARRAY v FOR v WITHIN m WHEN v.parameters IS NOT NULL END AS parametrs
FROM mybucket AS m

FROM mybucket AS m
WHERE ANY v WITHIN m.paths SATISFIES IS_ARRAY(v.parameters) AND (ANY p IN v.parameters SATISFIES p.name = “TransactionId” END) END;

Warning message: Some fields not found (They may be misspelled)
I got the same warning message while executing

SELECT ARRAY v FOR v WITHIN m WHEN v.parameters IS NOT NULL END AS parametrs
parametrs.parameters as par

I think it cannot deal with the fields we are skiping

INSERT INTO default VALUES ("f01",{ "paths": { "/emv3dsecure/v1/devicedatacollection": { "post": { "summary": "EMV 3D SEcure Device Data Collection API", "parameters": [ { "name": "ProfileId", "in": "query", "description": "ProfileId for Cors Authentication", "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": true, "schema": { "type": "string" } } ] }}, "/emv3dsecure/v1/stepup": { "post": { "summary": "EMV 3D Secure StepUp API", "parameters": [ { "name": "ProfileId", "in": "query", "description": "ProfileId for Cors Authentication", "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": true, "schema": { "type": "string" } } ] }}, "/emv3dsecure/v1/merchantreturnurl": { "post": { "parameters": [ { "name": "TransactionId", "in": "query", "description": "Transaction Id included in Step Up JWT", "required": true, "style": "form", "explode": true, "schema": { "type": "string" } }] }} } });

FROM default AS m
WHERE ANY v WITHIN m.paths SATISFIES IS_ARRAY(v.parameters) AND (ANY p IN v.parameters SATISFIES p.name = "TransactionId" END) END;

SELECT ARRAY_FLATTEN(ARRAY v.parameters FOR v WITHIN m.paths WHEN v.parameters IS NOT NULL END, 1) AS parametrs
FROM default AS m
WHERE ANY v WITHIN m.paths SATISFIES IS_ARRAY(v.parameters) AND (ANY p IN v.parameters SATISFIES p.name = "TransactionId" END) END;

I am getting this message all the time and i have created all the recommended indexes


Above query searching any where in the document, It required primary index unless if there are are any other predicates you can create index on those predicates.