.Net 2.7.x NullReference encountered on GetDocumentFromReplicaAsync<T> and GetFromReplicaAsync<T> when ssl is enabled

In working to update our 2.7.x client to use ssl connections to the cluster, we encountered a null reference when calling GetDocumentFromReplicaAsync<T> and GetFromReplicaAsync<T>.

Exception occurs here in library code: couchbase-net-client/CallbackFactory.cs at 2.7.17 · couchbase/couchbase-net-client · GitHub - the link is to 2.7.17 version we’re using, but the issue still exists on the latest 2.7.24 version.

Seems like the EndPoint is not mapped in SslConnection : couchbase-net-client/SslConnection.cs at 22628a63c2323cd9affdba58b227371e373798a6 · couchbase/couchbase-net-client · GitHub, while it is mapped in MultiplexingConnection : couchbase-net-client/MultiplexingConnection.cs at 22628a63c2323cd9affdba58b227371e373798a6 · couchbase/couchbase-net-client · GitHub

The only difference in our implementation is setting UseSsl = true on the bucket definition. Is this something we can address in our configuration? Seems like a defect with the client.

@brihulse -

Can you provide a code snippet of the configuration?


Here’s how we configure, initialize and access the cluster/buckets. Let me know if you need any more details.

public class CouchbaseBucketFactory : ICouchbaseBucketFactory

        private static readonly Dictionary<CouchbaseBucketType, string> BucketMap = new Dictionary<CouchbaseBucketType, string>()
            { CouchbaseBucketType.Cache, "cache" },
            { CouchbaseBucketType.Storage, "storage" },

        private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<CouchbaseBucketType, Lazy<IBucket>> Buckets = new ConcurrentDictionary<CouchbaseBucketType, Lazy<IBucket>>();

        public CouchbaseBucketFactory(ICouchbaseClientDefinitionProvider definitionProvider, IServerResolver serverResolver)
            var definition = new CouchbaseClientDefinition
                Servers = serverResolver.GetServers().ToList(),
                Buckets = definitionProvider.GetBuckets().Select(GetBucketDefinition).ToList(),
                ForceSaslPlain = definitionProvider.GetForceSaslPlain()
            var clusterConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration(definition);

            var serializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
                ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(),
                TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All

            clusterConfiguration.Transcoder = () => new DefaultTranscoder(new DefaultConverter(), new DefaultSerializer(serializationSettings, serializationSettings));
            clusterConfiguration.Serializer = () => new DefaultSerializer(serializationSettings, serializationSettings);


        private static BucketDefinition GetBucketDefinition(BucketConfigData bucket)
            var connectionPool = new ConnectionPoolDefinition
                MaxSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.MaxSize,
                MinSize = bucket.ConnectionPool.MinSize,
            if (bucket.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout.HasValue)
                connectionPool.WaitTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.WaitTimeout.Value;
            if (bucket.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout.HasValue)
                connectionPool.ShutdownTimeout = bucket.ConnectionPool.ShutdownTimeout.Value;

            return new BucketDefinition
                Name = bucket.Name,
                Password = bucket.Password,
                UseSsl = bucket.UseSsl,
                ConnectionPool = connectionPool

        public IBucket GetBucket(CouchbaseBucketType bucketType)
            return Buckets.GetOrAdd(bucketType, PrivateGetBucket).Value;

        private static Lazy<IBucket> PrivateGetBucket(CouchbaseBucketType bucketType)
            var bucketName = BucketMap[bucketType];
            return new Lazy<IBucket>(() => ClusterHelper.Get().OpenBucket(bucketName), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

@jmorris One important note that we found with additional testing today. We only see this null reference error when attempting to get a document from replica that does not exist.

I went back through and reviewed the documentation and the example here is showing it goes to replica on ResponseStatus.KeyNotFound status. Is this example misleading or would we see a ResponseStatus.KeyNotFound if the active node is unavailable?

@brihulse -

Thanks for the update. Do you have a stacktrace of the exception you can post?


System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CallbackFactory.CreateOperationContext(SocketAsyncState state, Nullable`1 serverDuration, String bucketName)
   at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CallbackFactory.<>c__DisplayClass7_0`1.<<CompletedFuncForRetry>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at Couchbase.Core.Server.SendAsync[T](IOperation`1 operation)
   at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.RequestExecuterBase.ReadFromReplicaAsync[T](ReplicaRead`1 operation)
   at Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.GetDocumentFromReplicaAsync[T](String id, TimeSpan timeout)
   at Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.GetDocumentFromReplicaAsync[T](String id, TimeSpan timeout)

@brihulse -

I created a ticket and patch for a fix based on what I see here. Feel free to create an account on review.couchbase.com and try it out.


That’s great thanks! We’ve given it a shot and it works in our tests. Any idea on the timeline of when this would be officially released?


Good to hear, should be available the first week of June in v2.7.26
