New release for PHP SDK?

Thank you @ingenthr for the follow up.

I understand that there is a release schedule/plan. My only complaint was that n1ql is such a major feature in Couchbase 4 and It is a little bit let down that I can’t even use n1ql correctly with PHP SDK that was released months ago just because there was no test for the SDK to check a mistake.

I decided to hack around it. I think I’m good for now. Below is the new query method I’m using.

  private function query($queryObj, array $params, $json_asarray = false)
        $m = $this->bucket->manager();
        $manager = new \ReflectionClass($m);
        $property = $manager->getProperty('_me');
        $me = $property->getValue($m);

        $data = $queryObj->options;
        if (is_array($params)) {
            foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                $data['$'.$key] = $value;

        $dataStr = json_encode($data, true);
        $dataOut = $me->n1ql_request($dataStr, $queryObj->adhoc);

        $meta = json_decode($dataOut['meta'], true);
        if (isset($meta['errors']) && count($meta['errors']) > 0) {
            $err = $meta['errors'][0];
            $ex = new \CouchbaseException($err['msg']);
            $ex->qCode = $err['code'];
            throw $ex;

        $rows = array();
        foreach ($dataOut['results'] as $row) {
            $rows[] = json_decode($row, $json_asarray);

        return $rows;