NoClassDefFoundError for /netty/handler/timeout/IdleStateEvent

you could try to silence it and check if it is indeed the keepAlive that causes this problem (which looks very weird to me btw) by deactivating keep alive:

  1. Create a static CouchbaseEnvironment
  2. Set keepAliveInterval to 0
  3. Use the environment in the Cluster creation

In your example:

CouchbaseEnvironment env = DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment.builder()
public class Persistence {

    public static String clusterAddress = "";
    public static String bucketName = "default";
    public static String bucketPassword = null;
    public static final CouchbaseEnvironment env = DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment.builder()

    public static Cluster cluster;
    public static Bucket bucket;

    public static Bucket getBucketInstance() {
        if (cluster == null) {
            cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(env, clusterAddress);
        if (bucket == null) {
            bucket = cluster.openBucket(bucketName, bucketPassword);
        return bucket;

This should deactivate keep alives and you can then confirm that the messages have gone away.