Order of keys in query


Here is my map reduce code with a few keys changed but maintaining the pattern that I suspect is causing the issue

    "map": "function (doc, meta) {if (doc.doc_type == \"user_doc\" && doc.status){if (doc.role == \"Administrator\"){emit(doc.role, {\"id\": doc.id, \"display_name\": doc.display_name, \"email\": doc.email});}else if (doc.role == \"ContentAuthor\"){emit(doc.role, {\"id\": doc.id, \"display_name\": doc.display_name, \"url\": doc.url, \"email\": doc.email});}else if (doc.role == \"ContentPublisher\"){emit(doc.role, {\"id\": doc.id, \"company_name\": doc.company_name, \"display_name\": doc.display_name, \"url\": doc.url, \"email\": doc.email});}}}",
    "reduce": "_count"

Let me know if this is something that could be causing the issue. Even if it is, I believe it shouldn’t be something like order of keys that should be causing a change in the outputindent preformatted text by 4 spaces