Parent cluster object has been closed

I have the TimeoutError error , and the error is same as other errors, it never tries to fix the instance, I have to re-create instance, it is not a timeout as the TimeoutError throws immediately

After upgrading to the SDK to 3.2.2, I have this error

nodejs.TimeoutError: timeout
    at Object.translateCppError (/home/myapp/node_modules/couchbase/dist/bindingutilities.js:180:20)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/myapp/node_modules/couchbase/dist/connection.js:147:54)
name: "TimeoutError"
cause: {"code":201}
context: undefined

@brett19 The SDK v3 in my nightmare , The v2 is much much better

I restarted my NodeJS application, there is no error right now, But after days it will appear

I upgrade the SDK to 3.2.3 now