Please!please help me for couchbase bucket remoting exeption when do simple search and upsert

when i use SDK to do simple things followling the guide;in my c# development, it is a multi thread program,and run by cycle.At the beginning of running all goes well,but nearly after 7 or 10 minutes,it goes wrong with System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException,i have tried every method,but i can not do anything now,please help me!

    <couchbase useSsl="false" operationLifespan="3200" username="tony001" password="123456">
        <add uri="">
        <add name="cashlottery" useSsl="false" operationLifespan="3200">
          <connectionPool name="cashlotteryPool" maxSize="10" minSize="5" waitTimeout="5000" shutdownTimeout="11000" sendTimeout="30000">


 public MyCoucheBase()


 public T GetCache<T>(string key, CouchBaseBuckets bucketType = CouchBaseBuckets.cashlottery)
            IBucket bucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket(bucketType.ToString());

                var result = bucket.GetDocument<T>(key);
                if (result.Success)
                    return result.Document.Content;
                return default(T);
            catch(RemotingException e)
                return GetCache<T>(key, bucketType);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (bucket != null)
                return default(T);


System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: object“/7198b36e_0d7c_4671_8af4_08296fde986b/fmmiypfup+cdh8bmkbetleer_33.rem”(has disconneted or not in server)已经断开连接或不在服务器上。

Server stack trace:
in System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices.CheckDisconnectedOrCreateWellKnownObject(IMessage msg)
in System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices.SyncDispatchMessage(IMessage msg)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
在 System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
在 System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
在 System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle.Unwrap()
在 OpenTracing.Util.AsyncLocalScopeManager.get_Active()
在 Couchbase.Tracing.ThresholdLoggingTracer.get_ActiveSpan()
在 Couchbase.Tracing.TracerExtensions.BuildSpan(ITracer tracer, IOperation operation, String operationName, String bucketName)
在 Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CouchbaseRequestExecuter.SendWithRetry[T](IOperation1 operation) 在 Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.Upsert[T](String key, T value, UInt64 cas, UInt32 expiration, TimeSpan timeout) 在 Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.Upsert[T](String key, T value, UInt64 cas, UInt32 expiration) 在 Couchbase.CouchbaseBucket.Upsert[T](IDocument1 document)
在 CashPlatform.Core.Cache.MyCoucheBase.Upsert[T](String key, T content, Int32 expiry, CouchBaseBuckets bucketType)

who can help me please!!! important thing is sometimes it goes ok,sometimes goes wrong!

Hi @Andy_Wang,

What version of the .NET SDK are you using? In the latest release (2.7.11), this line would not work:

There is no overload of ClusterHelper.Initialize that accepts a string. This may not solve your problem, but you should probably upgrade to the latest .NET SDK.

thanks for your attention,my client version is 2.7.10, server is couchbase-server-enterprise_6.0.2-windows_amd64.msi].it works normally in Initialize and normally at the beginning of 6/7 minutes,after that when i use multi thread ,every thread has different cycle time, when the exeption happens some call getdocument is ok,others fall,but they all use same bucket stored in ClusterHelper,i really don’t know why.The exeption object“/7198b36e_0d7c_4671_8af4_08296fde986b/fmmiypfup+cdh8bmkbetleer_33.rem”(has disconneted or not in server) seems like that in server part some object has been disposed.

can you take a look whether my cofiguration is wrong,and which can affect server object lift time.

<couchbase useSsl="false" operationLifespan="3200" username="tony001" password="123456">
    <add uri="">
    <add name="cashlottery" useSsl="false" password="654321" operationLifespan="3200">
      <connectionPool name="cashlotteryPool" maxSize="10" minSize="5" waitTimeout="5000" shutdownTimeout="11000" sendTimeout="30000">
    </add></buckets> </couchbase>  </couchbaseClients>