Possible error in sync gateway config documentation

The documentation I’m referring to is here.

When I use "server": "," in the SG config I get this warning message on start up:
[WRN] Unable to retrieve server’s metadata purge interval - will use default value. Get, dial tcp: lookup, no such host – db.NewDatabaseContext() at database.go:374

When I use "server": "couchbase://" in the SG config I get this warning message on start up:
[WRN] Unable to retrieve server’s metadata purge interval - will use default value. Get couchbase:// unsupported protocol scheme “couchbase” – db.NewDatabaseContext() at database.go:374

Using "server": "" shows no warning message.

SG version is:
{“couchdb”:“Welcome”,“vendor”:{“name”:“Couchbase Sync Gateway”,“version”:“2.1”},“version”:“Couchbase Sync Gateway/2.1.3(4;7143b13)”}



Both the comma separated http host issue and the couchbase:// prefixed issue have been resolved in the next version of Sync Gateway; version 2.5.0 which is due to be released soon.
I would however, like to point out that using host is not expected to work as this will attempt to use the default http port of 80. Please ensure that you append the 8091 port to the end of that hostname.
