Problem with Array Indexing


in our database we have many documents of the form:
“someTransaction_beneficiaryId”: 661125,
“someTransaction_creationDate”: 1451898654000,
“someTransaction_originalId”: “20160104-ZQJXGT”,
“someTransaction_statusHistory”: [
{“createdAt”: 1451898654000, “status”: “PAYMENT_AWAITING_FUNDS”},
{“createdAt”: 1451898772000, “status”: “IN_PROGRESS_TO_PROCESS”},
{“createdAt”: 1451899558000, “status”: “IN_PROGRESS_CURRENCY_TRADED”},
{“createdAt”: 1451899558000, “status”: “IN_PROGRESS_PAYER_RECEIVED_ORDER”},
{“createdAt”: 1451900718000, “status”: “PAID_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICK_UP” },
{“createdAt”: 1451999715000, “status”: “CLOSED_PAID_OUT”}
“type”: “someTransaction”

I have tried to create an Arrayed Index on theses types of documents using the following INDEX:

CREATE INDEX status_history_idx ON data (DISTINCT ARRAY sh.status FOR sh IN someTransaction_statusHistory END) WHERE type = “someTransaction”

However when I try to run a script along the lines of:

SELECT (DISTINCT ARRAY sh.status FOR sh IN someTransaction_statusHistory END) FROM data
WHERE type = “someTransaction”,

it doesn’t use the index. In fact I tried using USE INDEX in order to get N1QL to use this index instead of the other ones that I have on the bucket but it didn’t work.

I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hello Mike

Your index is absolutely correct.
But your query syntax is not correct.
Please use the below query syntax:

explain SELECT sh.status FROM data where any sh in someTransaction_statusHistory satisfies sh.status = “PAID_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICK_UP” end and type = “someTransaction”;

This query uses your above created array index.
You can use any value for :
sh.status = < “PAYMENT_AWAITING_FUNDS” >
sh.status = <“IN_PROGRESS_TO_PROCESS”>…
from the data in “someTransaction_statusHistory” array.
Great job on creating the right array index.

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Hi Prerna,

I tried using the query that you provided and it is still not using the proper index. In fact the query without EXPLAIN actually just returns a bunch of empty objects:

I’m really not sure where the mistake is. Could it be on my end or could it still be the query?

Hi Mike

Please make sure the double quotes in type = “someTransaction”; in explain query and create index are correct.
Otherwise the index will not work.
Can you please tell me your create index and explain here again?


Hi Prerna,

Yes! Thank you so much! I think that the quotation marks were the problem. I remember that I wrote the query elsewhere and copied it into n1ql. I have now changed it and the queries are using the proper index.

However the query (from above):

SELECT sh.status FROM data where any sh in someTransaction_statusHistory satisfies sh.status = “PAID_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICK_UP” end and type = “someTransaction”;

still only returns a bunch of empty objects. It isn’t as important as getting the index to work but I am curious why this doesn’t return anything.

Thank you again for the help.



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Hi Mike

Am glad that your query uses the right index now.
Now if you see someTransaction_statusHistory is an array, so in order to get values for status, we need a query like:
SELECT someTransaction_statusHistory[index].status FROM default where any sh in someTransaction_statusHistory satisfies sh.status = “PAID_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICK_UP” end and
type = “someTransaction”;

where index can be any value from [0,5] ( 0 and 5 inclusive ).
An example:
SELECT someTransaction_statusHistory[4].status FROM default where any sh in someTransaction_statusHistory satisfies sh.status = “PAID_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICK_UP” end and
type = “someTransaction”;

But our query tutorial provides you a better way to loop through these indexes.

Hence you can issue the following query to get all status:

SELECT ARRAY child.status for child in default.someTransaction_statusHistory END AS status FROM default where any sh in someTransaction_statusHistory satisfies sh.status = “PAID_AVAILABLE_FOR_PICK_UP” end and
type = “someTransaction”;

“status”: [

You can also replace status with createdAt.

Here is the link to our awesome query tutorial if you want to refer it for any syntax:


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Thank you for the link, that is very useful.