Problem with query from PHP script

We were initially using:
/$couchResult = json_decode(json_encode($couchBucket->query($couchQuery)), true);
but I was advised that as this is encoding and then decoding it uses more resources. @srm gave me a tip on how to optimise this by using:
$couchResult = $couchBucket->query(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString($couchQuery), true);

However, I am receiving this PHP error.

An exception occurred: LCB_EINVAL: Invalid input/arguments in [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php on line 316

_CouchbaseBucket->n1ql_request() in [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php at line 316
CouchbaseBucket->_n1ql() in [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php at line 378
CouchbaseBucket->query() in /var/www/ at line 48

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Can you paste the content of $couchQuery please.
Try your query in the interface : http://localhost:8091/ui/index.html#/query/workbench

And version of the extension

$couchCluster = new CouchbaseCluster('couchbase://');
$couchBucket = $couchCluster->openBucket('OUR_BUCKET', 'OUR_PASSWORD');
$couchQuery = CouchbaseViewQuery::from("playerdata", "by_name")->key(strtolower($mcuser));
$couchResult = $couchBucket->query(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString($couchQuery), true);
couchbase support	enabled
extension version	2.2.0
libcouchbase runtime version	2.6.2 (git: 788e1eeda075eddd8204ecc3fc5028add74e8074)
libcouchbase headers version	2.6.2 (git: 788e1eeda075eddd8204ecc3fc5028add74e8074)

You can’t use this like that.
You should use a N1QL query not a view, i’ll search in the API if you can use view and decode json as array.

Okay, thanks. Sorry - I’m new to Couchbase and don’t have a particularly strong knowledge of PHP.

$couchCluster = new CouchbaseCluster('couchbase://');
$couchBucket = $couchCluster->openBucket('OUR_BUCKET', 'OUR_PASSWORD');
$couchQuery = CouchbaseViewQuery::from("playerdata", "by_name")->key(strtolower($mcuser));
$couchResult = $couchBucket->query($couchQuery, true);

Should work.

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you have to decide what do you need View or N1QL query. So either:

$couchQuery = CouchbaseViewQuery::from("playerdata", "by_name")->key(strtolower($mcuser));
$couchBucket->query($couchQuery, true);


$couchQuery = CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString("SELECT * FROM `OUR_BUCKET`");
$couchBucket->query($couchQuery, true);
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Ooh, thanks to both of you! I’ve got it working again. I didn’t realise that CouchBucket query accepted a second parameter to return it as an array. (is it just me who finds that the official documentation is difficult to find???)

No i think the same thing about documentation.
So i always read the source :

#Bookmarked. Cheers.

Sorry but what do I do here to fetch as an array?
try { $couchResult = $couchBucket->get("playerdata:" . $fields["mcuuid"]); } catch (Exception $ex) { return false; }

You can’t.
get always return raw document.
So you need to use json_decode if you have a json :slight_smile:

Any way to get it as JSON string rather than an annoying Couchbase Document Object??

What wrong with document object? Why string is easier to manipulate? To access fields you still need to parse JSON anyway.

Sorry not what I meant to ask. I meant to ask: how do I take a Couchbase get request and put those values into a PHP array?

Default serializer gives you stdClass which could be represented as PHP array easily:

$cluster = new CouchbaseCluster("couchbase://localhost");
$bucket = $cluster->openBucket("default");

echo "Getting non-existent key. Should fail\n";
try {
} catch (CouchbaseException $ex) {
    if ($ex->getCode() != COUCHBASE_KEY_ENOENT) {
        throw new Exception("GRRR");
    printf("Error: %s (0x%x)\n", $ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode());

echo "Upserting...\n";
$bucket->upsert("new_document", array("foo" => "bar"));
echo "Getting\n";
$result = $bucket->get("new_document");
echo "Foo is: " . $result->value->foo . "\n";

The output is

Getting non-existent key. Should fail
Error: LCB_KEY_ENOENT: The key does not exist on the server (0xd)
array(1) {
  string(3) "bar"
Foo is: bar

The problem is the different behavior with query.

$cluster = new CouchbaseCluster("couchbase://localhost");
$bucket = $cluster->openBucket("odm-test");

echo "Upserting...\n";
$bucket->upsert("new_document", array("foo" => "bar"));
$result = $bucket->get("new_document");

$result = $bucket->query(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString("SELECT * FROM `odm-test` WHERE meta().id = 'new_document'"));

$bucket->upsert("new_document", '{"name": "Sylvain"}');
$result = $bucket->get("new_document");

$result = $bucket->query(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString("SELECT * FROM `odm-test` WHERE meta().id = 'new_document'"));

Output :

class stdClass#4 (1) {
  public $foo =>
  string(3) "bar"
array(1) {
  [0] =>
  class stdClass#8 (1) {
    public $odm-test =>
    class stdClass#7 (1) {
      public $foo =>
      string(3) "bar"
string(19) "{"name": "Sylvain"}"
array(1) {
  [0] =>
  class stdClass#7 (1) {
    public $odm-test =>
    class stdClass#8 (1) {
      public $name =>
      string(7) "Sylvain"

what is different? when you store a string, you will get a string back, when you store an object, it will be transparently encoded as JSON object, and you would get the object back.

result of the query wraps the objects into a map, because you could query multiple buckets in the single query, but inside, it still the same representation of the object.

The difference is “query” decode json and “get” don’t do this.