Problems with Couchbase lite on iOS with WKWebView

I’m trying to run app from this article I don’t have any problem on android , but when I try to run it on iOS, app can’t get access to local database, get this error - http://lite.couchbase./nraboy Failed to load resource: A server with the specified hostname could not be found. If I downgrade WKWebView to UIWebView, everything is works.

Unfortunately the CBL REST API only works with UIWebView, not WKWebView. The HTTP handlers are registered through an in-process mechanism (NSURLProtocol), but WKWebView actually runs in a separate process for security reasons.

It’s possible to register the HTTP handlers on a real TCP port via the loopback interface, in which case JS would be able to reach them, but to my knowledge no one’s done this yet.

Thank you for your reply.