Public access to channels

Hi Thanks for Reply

My sync gateway File is

“log”: [“CRUD”, “REST+”, “Access”],
“databases”: {
“testdemo”: {
“server”: “http://ravideveloper:8091/”,
“users”: {
“ravi”: {
“disabled” : false,
“password”: “ravi@123”,
“sync”: function(doc, oldDoc) { // NOTE this function is the same across the iOS, Android, and PhoneGap versions. if (doc.type == "task") { if (!doc.list_id) { throw({forbidden : "items must have a list_id"}) } channel("task-"+doc.list_id); } else if (doc.type == "list") { channel("list-"+doc._id); if (!doc.owner) { throw({forbidden : "list must have an owner"}) } if (oldDoc) { var oldOwnerName = oldDoc.owner.substring(oldDoc.owner.indexOf(":")+1); requireUser(oldOwnerName) } var ownerName = doc.owner.substring(doc.owner.indexOf(":")+1); access(ownerName, "list-"+doc._id); } }