PULL after PURGE no docs are returned

Unfortunately it did not work.
I have the following situation:
I have the following document synced into the bucket:

  "_id": "cdb36a22-7703-44c2-bf53-2deb63908e56",
  "_rev": "1-4be1696e47e66e1db262c7fd6a6ff531",
  "_sync": {
    "rev": "1-4be1696e47e66e1db262c7fd6a6ff531",
    "sequence": 7,
    "history": {
      "revs": [
      "parents": [
      "bodies": [
      "channels": [
    "channels": {
      "*": {
        "seq": 7,
        "rev": "1-4be1696e47e66e1db262c7fd6a6ff531"
      "channel_skipxxx": null
    "access": {
      "skipxxx": {
        "skipxxx": 7
    "time_saved": "2015-06-21T03:49:36.3371586-07:00"
  "checked": false,
  "created_at": "2015-06-21T06:49:32.554Z",
  "creator": "skipxxx",
  "title": "UsersTestDocumenttitle",
  "type": "UsersTestDocument",
  "writers": "[skipxxx]"

I am deleting the local database on Android and starting pull-sync again:

de.couchdbexperiment.Context.database = manager.getDatabase(Constants.DATABASE_NAME);

The sync gateway logs the following. It is interesting, that 404 is reported every tim I am starting the pull-sync.
As reported here 404 on _local document is reported when sync is done for the first time,

No documents are pulled to the local DB

04:47:33.299772 HTTP:  #028: GET /gw/_session  (as skipxxx)
04:47:33.300724 HTTP+: #028:     --> 200   (1.9 ms)
04:47:33.341651 HTTP:  #029: GET /gw/_local/69d6429bf49689ec7f5ba96263afab14bd9bf8f8  (as skipxxx)
04:47:33.343555 HTTP: #029:     --> 404 missing  (1.9 ms)
04:47:33.367350 HTTP:  #030: POST /gw/_changes  (as skipxxx)
04:47:33.368302 Changes: MultiChangesFeed({channel_skipxxx}, {Since:0 Limit:0 Conflicts:true IncludeDocs:false Wait:false Continuous:false Terminator:0xc0841b05a0}) ...   (to skipxxx)
04:47:33.368302 Changes+: MultiChangesFeed: channels expand to channels.TimedSet{} ...   (to skipxxx)
04:47:33.368302 Changes+: MultiChangesFeed sending &{Seq:4 ID:_user/skipxxx Deleted:false Removed:{} Doc:map[] Changes:[] branched:false}   (to skipxxx)
04:47:33.368302 Changes: MultiChangesFeed done   (to skipxxx)
04:47:33.368302 HTTP+: #030:     --> 200 OK  (0.0 ms)
04:47:50.676191 HTTP:  #031: GET /gw/_session  (as skipxxx)
04:47:50.678494 HTTP+: #031:     --> 200   (2.3 ms)
04:47:50.764872 HTTP:  #032: GET /gw/_local/69d6429bf49689ec7f5ba96263afab14bd9bf8f8  (as skipxxx)
04:47:50.767175 HTTP: #032:     --> 404 missing  (2.3 ms)
04:47:50.815547 HTTP:  #033: POST /gw/_changes  (as skipxxx)
04:47:50.816698 Changes: MultiChangesFeed({channel_skipxxx}, {Since:0 Limit:0 Conflicts:true IncludeDocs:false Wait:false Continuous:false Terminator:0xc084366e40}) ...   (to skipxxx)
04:47:50.817850 Changes+: MultiChangesFeed: channels expand to channels.TimedSet{} ...   (to skipxxx)
04:47:50.817850 Changes+: MultiChangesFeed sending &{Seq:4 ID:_user/skipxxx Deleted:false Removed:{} Doc:map[] Changes:[] branched:false}   (to skipxxx)
04:47:50.817850 Changes: MultiChangesFeed done   (to skipxxx)
04:47:50.817850 HTTP+: #033:     --> 200 OK  (0.0 ms)