Q: how the non-import and import node work on k8s?

hi @Priya Rajagopal,

thanks for your blog https://blog.couchbase.com/couchbase-sync-gateway-on-kubernetes/.
I learning how to deployments sync gateway on k8s. I follow official documents create three non-import nodes. couchbase lite can sync data from those nodes. but I don’t understand how the import node to work? the non-import node listens on the 4984 port, the import node listens on the 4946 port. if I deployments 3 non-import nodes and 1 import node on k8s cluster, the couchbase lite sync via 4984, and the XATTR data did not apart store from documents. what scenes to use import node? and how the lite select sync gateway rules to sync data? Does it mean post data to sync gateway import node when the data need sync with lite and web? and if XATTR Separation and no Separation data saved in a couchbase server cluster, Will it affect normal synchronization?

