Query Error on simple N1QL query

I am new with Couchbase N1QL. I have this document stored in the DB:

      "_class": "HostelDocument",
      "data": {
        "_class": "Hostel",       
        "identifier": [
            "id": "10",
            "idContext": {
              "value": "RQM"
            "idScope": {
              "value": "ENT"
        "status": {
          "code": {
            "value": "CLOSE"
      "id": "12",
      "type": "HOSTEL",
      "updatedAt": 1571734651189,
      "version": 2

that I want to retrieve with this query (which I have no results)

SELECT * FROM `test_hostels` where data.identifier.id = "10"

or this other one

SELECT * FROM `itt_rqm_testbucket` where ANY reqId IN data.identifier SATISFIES reqId.id  = "10"

Which I have this error:

syntax error - at end of input
FROM `itt_rqm_testbucket` 
where ANY reqId IN data.identifier SATISFIES reqId.id  = "10" END;
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