Query replaces correct results with 'empty object's when using index

I have a query that takes 8-9 seconds to run and it uses the primary index on the bucket. I would really like to improve the speed of this query. I added this index

CREATE INDEX bonsecours_arr_clientids_index ON deco_db_bonsecours(type,client_ids,(distinct (array v for v in client_ids end)))

This is the query (it’s long)

SELECT META(aE).id as id FROM deco_db_common aE USE INDEX(common_arr_clientids_index) WHERE (aE.type=‘screeningSummary’) OR (aE.type=‘roleDefinition’) OR (aE.type=‘totalAssets’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘statusCode’) OR (aE.type=‘familySizeAssetLimits’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘referral’) OR (aE.type=‘program’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘documentConditions’) OR (aE.type=‘eligibilityObject’) OR (aE.type=‘tempReferral’) OR (aE.type=‘asset’) OR (aE.type=‘icd_code’) OR (aE.type=‘task’) OR (aE.type=‘question’) OR (aE.type=‘income’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘screening’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘client’) OR (aE.type=‘incomeDisregards’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘tempPerson’) OR (aE.type=‘applicationTemplate’) OR (aE.type=‘person’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘assetDisregards’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘chain’) OR (aE.type=‘permissionSet’) OR (aE.type=‘householdMember’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘wizard’) OR (aE.type=‘baseline’) OR (aE.type=‘familySize’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END)) OR (aE.type=‘person’) OR (aE.type=‘xmlUploadHistory’) OR (aE.type=‘familySizeAssetLimits’) OR (aE.type=‘assetDisregards’) OR (aE.type=‘householdMember’) OR (aE.type=‘debug’) OR (aE.type=‘list’) OR (aE.type=‘familySizeIncomeLimits’) OR (aE.type=‘familySize’) OR (aE.type=‘totalIncome’) OR (aE.type=‘incomeDisregards’) OR (aE.type=‘totalAssets’) OR (aE.type=‘webSession’) OR (aE.type=‘workflowDefinition’) OR (aE.type=‘program’) OR (aE.type=‘userCredentials’) OR (aE.type=‘user’) OR (aE.type=‘permissionSetDocumentTypes’) OR (aE.type=‘case’) OR (aE.type=‘income’) OR (aE.type=‘roleAssignment’) OR (aE.type=‘screening’)

Basically, this query is going through the bucket and if a document is one of those type it should return the ID of that document. Also, in some cases it should only return the ID if the client_ids array attribute is length 0 OR if the specified ID is in the client_ids array.

To explain further…

–> OR (aE.type=‘familySize’ AND (ARRAY_LENGTH(aE.client_ids) = 0 OR ANY v IN aE.client_ids SATISFIES v = ‘d12ade30-4f59-11e6-96a9-d91ed1ec0260’ END))

^^ this should return the ID of all documents of type ‘familySize’ if client_ids is an empty array or if the specified ID is in that array.

–> OR (aE.type=‘totalIncome’)

^^ this returns the ID of all documents of type ‘totalIncome’ regardless of what the client_ids array contains.

Now, when that query uses that index, the result count is the same (~12,000 documents) but most of the "ID"s just say “empty object” and I have no idea why. When I don’t specify any index it will use the primary index and it’s super slow.

Anyone know what’s going on? Am I making the index incorrectly? Is the query syntax incorrect? I’m pretty new to couchbase so any help would be really useful!


Your CREATE INDEX statement does not match your USE INDEX clause.

Remove all the ORs.


ANY v IN client_ids SATISFIES v IN [ … ] END;

Use COUCHBASE 4.5.1 or later.

Well I need the OR’s because I need to get a lot of different document types. I need the ORs and the OR/ANDs. I figured out a solution that gives me all ~12,000 IDs in ~600-700 miliseconds. I put all the ORs in one SELECT and UNION it to another SELECT that has all the OR/ANDs. Each SELECT uses it’s own INDEX. This way i’m able to use an INDEX for both types.

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Ok. Use EXPLAIN to verify that you are getting the most effective index usage.

Thanks for the help!

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