Query won't use a nested array index

I cannot create an index to be used with a specific N1QL that uses UNNESTs in a document with of nested arrays

Document structure:
“conv_datetime_created”: “2019-10-14 02:03:38”,
“conv_id”: “100_1571018618”,
“conv_messages”: [
“msg_datetime_created”: “2019-10-14 02:03:38”,
“msg_id”: “conversation_100_1571018618_100_1571018618”,
“msg_owner_id”: 100,
“msg_recipients”: [
“msg_is_read”: true,
“user_id”: 6
“msg_is_read”: false,
“user_id”: 16
“msg_text”: “Dear friends lets talk about tennis…”
“msg_datetime_created”: “2019-10-14 02:13:02”,
“msg_id”: “conversation_100_1571018618_6_1571019182”,
“msg_owner_id”: 6,
“msg_recipients”: [
“msg_is_read”: false,
“user_id”: 16
“msg_is_read”: false,
“user_id”: 100
“msg_text”: “για πες…”
“conv_owner_id”: 100,
“conv_recipients”: [
“conv_title”: “A title”,
“type”: “conversation”

SELECT conv.*
FROM spot1 AS conv
UNNEST conv.conv_messages AS msg
UNNEST msg.msg_recipients AS msgr
WHERE conv.type = ‘conversation’
AND ( msgr.user_id = 6 OR msg.owner_id = 6 )

Index that won’t be used:
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON spot1 (DISTINCT ARRAY (DISTINCT ARRAY [msg.owner_id,msgr.user_id] FOR msgr IN msg.msg_recipients END) FOR msg IN conv_messages END) WHERE type = ‘conversation’;

Try this

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON spot1 (DISTINCT ARRAY (DISTINCT ARRAY (DISTINCT  [msg.owner_id,msgr.user_id] ) FOR msgr IN msg.msg_recipients  END) FOR msg IN conv_messages END) 
WHERE type = "conversation";

SELECT conv.*
FROM spot1 AS conv
WHERE  conv.type = "conversation"
AND ANY msg IN  conv.conv_messages  SATISFIES ( ANY msgr IN msg.msg_recipients SATISFIES (ANY v IN [msg.owner_id,msgr.user_id]  SATISFIES v = 6 END) END) END;

Thank you very much for your prompt response!