Querying multiple fields at the same time on a view


Further to my above post, I was able to reduce the number of emits with a concatenation and positional logic.
i.e for example my map looks like:

emit([String(doc.a)+“B”+String(doc.b)+“C”+String(doc.c)+“D”+String(doc.d)],null)‌ ; emit([String(doc.a)+“C”+String(doc.c)+“B”+String(doc.b)+“D”+String(doc.d)],null)‌ ; emit([String(doc.a)+“D”+String(doc.d)+“C”+String(doc.c)+“B”+String(doc.b)],null)‌ ;

And then my startkey=startkey: ["a”], endkey=[“aBb\ufff0”] - something which gives me results like a ‘like%’ search.

But still I think I may need to do multiple queries to mimic an “in” search, as I’ am not able to use the multi-get and range searches together. And then build up the results in the app layer.
