Re-indexing takes very long

Those are pretty small instance types, and a small number of nodes for that many views!

For a start I’d strongly recommend migrating to some beefier instances if you want to use that many views - m1.xlarge is pretty old now - EC2 is up to m4 instance types in the current generation. I believe you can get faster instances, with more RAM and disk for the same or less money.

View (re)building speed is essentially a function of the amount of data, number of views, and the amount of CPU and disk you make available to them. I’d suggest one (or more) of:

  • Simplify / unify your views - each one needs to be recalculated when a document changes.
  • Measure your resource utilisation on the nodes, and increase whatever the bottleneck is. AWS disks (particularly on old instance types) can be very constrained, so you might want to consider increasing your IOPS, or moving to local SSD.