Restore from data folder

Hello, I recently had a problem with my hard disk and I had to change it. A Couchbase Server database was on it, and the only thing I’ve been able to recover is the var/lib/coucbase/data folder.
So, now I have a new brand copy of Couchbase Server on my laptop. I’ve tried to just substitute the already existing var/lib/coucbase/data folder with the one I rescued from my old hard disk. Still, the result is an empty server.
Is that possible, to restore bucket, indexes and such just from the data folder (and without having any kind of backup)?

Take a look at cbtransfer, specifically the couchstore-files:// source and couchbase:// destination.

You’ll need to first re-create a bucket with your chosen quota, replica count etc, and then use cbtransfer to transfer in the existing data.

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Already solved: I found all the necessary data in another drive, thanks anyway for the answer!

Hi @cecca_92, I have found the same issue

I have tried using cbtransfer couchstore-files:///backupdatapath couchbase://IP:8091 -b BucketName, but have no luck

Can you helo to explain detail solution for this?
