Running couchbase on docker redhat

I understand that the official support docker image is running in Ubuntu. However due to corporate policy, I have to run couchbase in RHEL 7++ on docker installed in RHEL 7++.

I managed to get to a point where I can install couchbase using yum install from local yum repository in artifactory. However I am not able to run couchbase in bash. Most of the documents talks about running through systemctl. I wonder if anyone can help with the bash.

I have tried referencing the dockerfile in docker hub, but it is using runsvdir-start which is a ubuntu feature.

I managed to get the docker ‘running’. However it failed with the following error message.
Eshell V5. (abort with ^G)
(babysitter_of_ns_1@> *** Terminating erlang (‘babysitter_of_ns_1@’)

Here is the dockerfile
FROM rhel:7.2

ADD docker.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
ADD not-certified.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
ADD zeus.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
RUN yum -y install couchbase-server
EXPOSE 8091 8092 8093 8094 11207 11210 11211 18091 18092 18093
VOLUME /opt/couchbase/var
CMD ["/opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-server"]


@arungupta I did create a post, probably even before I hijack any. However I didn’t receive any reply here

@anil can you share the coordinates for the RHEL-based image with @wai.kwang.mak?

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Hi, Apologies for delayed response. @wai.kwang.mak you can find RHEL-based image at location.


Anil Kumar

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