Same View Different Query Time


I resolved the case. Initially I thought that pulling documents one by one was not efficient way to do, but i was wrong somehow it is!!! Normally when you do kind of work, you execute your query and get bulk data and show the users. But here it is different. After you execute your query you get a view that includes your keys then for each row you get values by using these keys “ne by one(!)”. It is wierd but it is the most efficient way to do this for minimum latency.

This is good way for latency:

var view = client.GetView(“DesignName”,“getDocumentsAll”).Limit(somelimit);

foreach(var row in view){
YourClass yourclass = client.getJson(row.ItemId);
dataGridView1.DataSource = somelist;

This is bad way for latency:

var view = client.GetView(“designname”,“ViewName”,false).Limit(50);
IView data = view;
MyList = data.ToList();
dataGridView1.DataSource = MyList;

my latency values are decreased from maximum 5s to 0.8 seconds for 50 documents (minimum 40Kbytes)
Good Luck
