SDK utilizes one IO thread only from the pool

For simplicity of this case I have 1 bucket with several different types of documents and web endpoint in java server based on Undertow. Request is very short-living, it makes 1 query by ID to Couchbase. So it’s 1-1. I do load testing by ApacheBench. Number of concurrent connections varies from 10 to 100-150. That’s quite close to expected production behavior I’m looking to see further down the road.

    public Observable<A> findA(String id) {
        return this.bucket.async().get(, RawJsonDocument.class).map(this::readA);
    private A readA(RawJsonDocument json) {
        return this.jsonMapper.readValue(json.content(), A.class);

Later on I’ve added second Couchbase call from a request like this:

        Observable<A> aObservable = observable.flatMap(key -> this.repository.findA(request.a()));
        Observable<B> bObservable = observable.flatMap(f -> this.repository.findB(request.b()));, aObservable, bObservable, C::zip)

That actually led to 2 IO threads being utilized!

Couchbase environment is quite standard, I’ve made io and computation pools configurable.

    protected CouchbaseEnvironment getEnvironment() {
        return DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment.builder()

I’ve experimented with various pools sizes but that doesn’t change the picture. It’s probably worth to mention that Undertow has its own IO pool for serving connections in async manner.