Select Subdocumnet with N1QL

I have following document

“report”: [
“action”: [
“commentCount”: “0”,
“flagCount”: “0”,
“likeCount”: “0”
“cat_id”: “1”,
“child_cat_id”: “5”,
“expiry_date”: “1807361887”,
“identifier”: “c5ed4cad9a5b3ecc7a238aca60a04926”,
“images”: [],
“modified_by”: null,
“pin_create_date”: 1487938839,
“pin_id”: “15689”,
“pin_privacy”: “1”,
“pin_rate”: “0”,
“pin_story”: “just a test please ignore”,
“pin_type”: “report”,
“place_id”: null,
“place_lat”: “22.563398”,
“place_long”: “88.351308”,
“place_name”: “Reported Event”,
“point”: “0”,
“progress”: “0”,
“social_id”: “web”,
“status”: “1”
“action”: [
“commentCount”: “0”,
“flagCount”: “0”,
“likeCount”: “0”
“cat_id”: “2”,
“child_cat_id”: “13”,
“expiry_date”: “1483228800”,
“identifier”: “1d5c5cccac39473f1d487a87503c979e”,
“images”: [],
“modified_by”: null,
“pin_create_date”: 1480535176,
“pin_id”: “11631”,
“pin_privacy”: “1”,
“pin_rate”: “0”,
“pin_story”: “again a test to test thing up”,
“pin_type”: “report”,
“place_id”: null,
“place_lat”: “28.77247418”,
“place_long”: “77.37876892”,
“place_name”: " 28.772474183943032,77.3787689",
“point”: “0”,
“progress”: “0”,
“social_id”: “web”,
“status”: “1”
“action”: [
“commentCount”: “0”,
“flagCount”: “0”,
“likeCount”: “0”
“cat_id”: “1”,
“child_cat_id”: “6”,
“expiry_date”: “1827291923”,
“identifier”: “0027459f3fa673bb58fa3ca397d44376”,
“images”: [],
“modified_by”: null,
“pin_create_date”: 1511759123,
“pin_id”: “46049”,
“pin_privacy”: “1”,
“pin_rate”: “0”,
“pin_story”: “Just a test report”,
“pin_type”: “report”,
“place_id”: “0”,
“place_lat”: “28.61279604”,
“place_long”: “77.22921111”,
“place_name”: “Reported Near War Memorial Arch”,
“point”: “0”,
“progress”: “0”,
“social_id”: “native”,
“status”: “1”
From above document I want to select only those report having cat_id = 1, I tried ANY and IN , but that did not work

Following is the where clause

WHERE 1 IN[*].cat_id

Please post the exact query you tried. Also note the document contains cat_id as string in the where you have number and in JSON both are not same.

SELECT report FROM default WHERE "1" IN report[*].cat_id;

this is the query I am using to get result having cat_id =

SELECT ARRAY item FOR item IN WHEN item.cat_id = ‘1’ AND item.child_cat_id != ‘0’ END AS item FROM users;

This is working but is their any other way of quering nested document and one more thing how do I get count of select document because ARRAY_COUNT is not working.

Thanks for replying

if you want the select nested document inside array,
if you know position you can directly refrence that position by[3].cat_id
If you don’t know position and first document matching by condition you can use FIRST item FOR item IN WHEN item.cat_id = ‘1’ AND item.child_cat_id != ‘0’ END
If you don’t know position and wants all matching documents you need to use ARRAY item FOR item IN WHEN item.cat_id = ‘1’ AND item.child_cat_id != ‘0’ END

If you need to get all the document count you need to use aggregate query.
If you need to find number of elements in ARRAY you can use ARRAY_COUNT(). Could you please more specific what it is not working.

SELECT  items, ARRAY_COUNT(items) AS cnt FROM users
LET items = ARRAY item FOR item IN WHEN item.cat_id = ‘1’ AND item.child_cat_id != ‘0’ END
WHERE  ARRAY_LENGTH(items) > 0 ;

@vsr1 I had to do use this

SELECT ARRAY_COUNT(issues) FROM(SELECT ARRAY item FOR item IN WHEN item.cat_id = ‘1’ AND item.child_cat_id != ‘0’ END AS issues FROM users) AS t1;
to get total count of result returned by query.

One more thing can I use LIMIT function or ORDER BY function in the same query
SELECT ARRAY item FOR item IN WHEN item.cat_id = ‘1’ AND item.child_cat_id != ‘0’ END AS item FROM users;
to get sorted result with defined limit.

Thanks again for replying

Yes Checkout

Examples at

If you need to sort the array or limit array elements use subquery expression you can find documentation . Also checkout Multiple join from different bucket