Slow N1QL Eventually Consistent Read


OK things are working fine for me using this N1QL query right after an insert.

Can also use the value 2 instead of N1qlQuery.Consistency.REQUEST_PLUS (but I think explicitly writing it out is better).

I’m using a single instance CBv4 with the official Docker image.

I’ve found that if I flush the test bucket, it’s best to drop and re-create the N1QL GSI index - else things can ‘sieze’ up.

Here in development, I’ve been dropping buckets, creating them, flushing them, creating GSI indexes - not keeping the indexes in “sync” with the buckets can seem to freeze the indexing up.

When that happens I just blow away the Docker container and create a new one.

In production I don’t think I’d ever use flush on a bucket, thus it shouldn’t be a problem.

My workflow at the moment is to use the provide couchbase Mock object for testing (fast) then, occasionally/regularly run the same tests on the live CBv4 instance.

I like the CB consistency model and it’s great to be able to selectively set for some N1QL queries.

Anyways, it’s all good.
