Spring-data-couchbase 4.0.0 ,spring boot 2.3.0 and configure second bucket using couchbaseClientFactory

Made the changes, on application startup it opens two buckets.
Can see below have mapped the entity class in base mapping .This repository should connect to second bucket.
But when I try to fetch data still its always connecting to first bucket and gives data not found exception.
Here’s my configuration class ( below code is working after making suggested changes)

/** Standard connection string and cluster connection details code goes here**/

    @EnableReactiveCouchbaseRepositories(basePackages = "**.repository")
    public class CouchbaseConfig extends AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration {

public CouchbaseClientFactory couchbaseClientFactoryForContent() {
	return new SimpleCouchbaseClientFactory(getConnectionString(), authenticator(),

public ReactiveCouchbaseTemplate myReactiveCouchbaseTemplate(CouchbaseClientFactory couchbaseClientFactory,
		MappingCouchbaseConverter mappingCouchbaseConverter) {
	return new ReactiveCouchbaseTemplate(couchbaseClientFactory, mappingCouchbaseConverter);

public ReactiveRepositoryOperationsMapping reactiveCouchbaseRepositoryOperationsMapping(
		ReactiveCouchbaseTemplate reactiveCouchbaseTemplate) {
	// create a base mapping that associates all repositories to the default
	// template
	ReactiveRepositoryOperationsMapping baseMapping = new ReactiveRepositoryOperationsMapping(
					new MappingCouchbaseConverter()));
	// let the user tune it
	return baseMapping;

public void configureReactiveRepositoryOperationsMapping(ReactiveRepositoryOperationsMapping baseMapping) {
	try {
				myReactiveCouchbaseTemplate(couchbaseClientFactoryForContent(), new MappingCouchbaseConverter()));
	} catch (Exception e) {
		// custom Exception handling
