SSL Certificate Port for 8093

How do I access port 8093 using https. I know the other ports become 18091 and so on, but how does query service work on 8093 with SSL on couchbase.

You can discover cluster ports in runtime from configuration.

$ curl -s | jq .nodesExt[0].services
  "mgmt": 8091,
  "mgmtSSL": 18091,
  "fts": 8094,
  "indexAdmin": 9100,
  "indexScan": 9101,
  "indexHttp": 9102,
  "indexStreamInit": 9103,
  "indexStreamCatchup": 9104,
  "indexStreamMaint": 9105,
  "capiSSL": 18092,
  "capi": 8092,
  "kvSSL": 11207,
  "projector": 9999,
  "kv": 11210,
  "moxi": 11211,
  "n1ql": 8093,
  "n1qlSSL": 18093