SubDoc API throws "Too many "

I am trying to update a subdoc within an array using the subdoc arrayappend api.
THe doc is below:

  "id": "100176",
  "name": "${__RandomString(20,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,)}",
  "notificationEnrollment": {
    "issuer": "001",
    "domain": "",
    "id": "0000255BAIHSDCY",
    "apps": {
      "app": {
        "id": "",
        "applicationGroup": "INTERNAL__10",
        "enrollmentInfoList": [
            "appVersion": "1.0",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "type": "Push",
            "value": true,
            "deviceInfo": {
              "deviceId": "17BBE19B241C219C3FE766FAE1887CE2",
              "deviceToken": "0838273194687468409056870471453029636922734387856368468017913851",
              "deviceOS": "deviceOS",
              "osVersion": "OSVersion",
              "deviceType": "deviceType",
              "deviceModel": "deviceModel"
            "features": [
                "featureUserIdentifier": {
                  "issuer": "001",
                  "domain": "CARD",
                  "type": "ENCRYPTEDACCOUNT",
                  "id": "BAIHSDCY0000255"
                "featureInfoList": [
                    "featureName": "PAYMENT_RECEIVED_ALERT",
                    "featurePreferenceValue": true,
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "daysBeforeDue",
                        "value": "8"
                    "featureName": "PAYMENT_REMINDER_ALERT",
                    "featurePreferenceValue": true,
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "daysBeforeDue",
                        "value": "8"
                    "featureName": "STMT_NOTIFICATION_ALERT",
                    "featurePreferenceValue": true,
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "daysBeforeDue",
                        "value": "8"
                    "featureName": "OFFERS",
                    "featurePreferenceValue": true,
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "daysBeforeDue",
                        "value": "8"
                    "featureName": "GOLDEN_GOOSE_ALERT",
                    "featurePreferenceValue": true,
                    "attributes": [
                        "key": "daysBeforeDue",
                        "value": "8"
            "insertTS": 1503530927066
    "insertTS": 1503530927070

I call the below Couchbase API

          .arrayAppend(path, feature).execute();

The path is ""

The error response I get is below : Multiple mutation could not be applied. First problematic failure at 0 with status SUBDOC_PATH_MISMATCH

There seems to be a problem updating a subdoc that resides within array(s). If I change the path to "" the arrayappend works fine.

Hi Satish,

I think the subdoc path should be xxx.[0].xxx format instead of mentioned as

Can you try as below path?
path = “[0].features[0].featureInfoList”

Please check the below document and the snippet on valid paths:
The paths name , and purchases.complete[0] are all valid paths.

Please mention the java sdk version and server version that you are using if you still have the issue with above path syntax.

Hope this helps.
– Jagadesh