Surprising transformations on ISO-8601 values unique to .NET SDK?

I am examining the source:

// CouchbaseBucket.cs ~ line 522

          public IOperationResult<T> Get<T>(string key)
          {  var operation = new Get<T>(key, null, _transcoder, _operationLifespanTimeout);
             return _requestExecuter.SendWithRetry(operation);

I suspect that the only element that could be causing this is the _transcoder?
There’s not a lot of documentation on the options or configuration or what this Transcoder does. I see references to the Transcoder in the Java and Python SDK docs, but I was unable to see any user-configurable element to the Transcoder element of the .NET SDK. Am I just guessing based onthe name that it has some role to play in the transformation of data coming from Couchbase client read operations?

Footnote: I decided to try to extend the Unit Tests for the couchbase-net-client sources, but I was unable to get the Unit Tests to run in visual Studio 2015 or 2013, until I added the NUnit Test Adaptor via Tools -> Extensions and Updates.