Sync Function - realUserCtx

In sync gateway when using any of the build in function for access like:


Its uses the realUserCtx object.

Whats the best way to use this object in my custom sync function?

I’ve tried


but I’m getting JS process error.


realUserCtx is not directly accessible from the sync function, only indirectly available via the require… functions.

When a Sync Gateway _resync is run against a DB all the documents in the DB are run through the sync function again, but there is no real user context during this process. If a user defined sync function was to directly test the value of realUserCtx it would reject the documents on _resync, which is not the desired behaviour.

The require… functions will always evaluate true during a _resync allowing docs to be reprocessed by the Sync Function.


Was able to get access to realUserCtx , don’t declare it. This way I can debug.


hmmmm I also wanted to use the realUserCtx as a supplement to the built-in functions to return a True/False.

On the below functions


can I catch the values of the failure , throw() or success to be able to form logic that way?

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Sync functions are not supposed to be able to access the realUserCtx. I had a look at the source code and it looks like it’s not very securely hidden, which is why your hack works.

Just understand that this is a hack, it’s unsupported, and that realUserCtx will be null in some situations. You can use it for debugging if it helps you, but it should never be used in production.