Sync_Gateway is going loop infinite when PouchDB intially tries to replicae documents from couchbase via syncgateway

SyncGW Release version: 1.1.1-10
Couchbase Release version: 4.0.0-4047

  1. Client requests the list of docs “since=0”.
  2. Sync GW responds with list of changes and last_seq as “371875::372157”

Below sync gateway output for the client request



  1. Client requests again with the last seq number


200 OK Response


Sync Gw logs as below
2015-11-22T23:26:54.195-06:00 HTTP: #523919: GET /pttdata/_changes?timeout=25000&style=all_docs&since=371875%3A%3A372157&limit=100&_nonce=1448256410641 (as 919591803633)
2015-11-22T23:26:54.195-06:00 Changes: MultiChangesFeed({*}, {Since:371875::372157 Limit:100 Conflicts:true IncludeDocs:false Wait:false Continuous:false Terminator:0xc217607ce0 HeartbeatMs:0 TimeoutMs:25000}) … (to 919591803633)

  1. With the last_seq in (3), client is in loop requesting GET similar to (3).

Question is why sync GW is responding with a list of documents starting with 371875 when client has specifically requested “371875::372157". Expectation is to return the doc with just one value i.e