Text search for the poor

Hi geraldss,

Thanks for the reply.
I’ve tried cbft but its not production ready so I’m unable to use it.
I’ve tried to use the LIKE ‘xxx%’ solution and I found something quite disturbing.
When doing this query from workbench, It take about **100 **msec:

SELECT usr.fullName AS FullName,
usr.dateOfBirth AS DateOfBirth,
usr.userId AS UserId,
usr.roles AS Roles
FROM default usr
WHERE usr.documentType = ‘User’ AND usr.fullName LIKE ‘james%’

Running the following query from .net client takes 20 seconds:

var queryRequest = new QueryRequest(
@“SELECT usr.fullName,
FROM default usr
WHERE usr.documentType = $documentType AND
usr.fullName LIKE $textToSearch”)
.AddNamedParameter(“documentType”, DocumentType.User)
.AddNamedParameter(“textToSearch”, “james%”);

when I removed the NamedParams and use string.Format(), It takes **3 **seconds…
Can you tell me why is this huge difference happen ?
