Too many connections staying alive in the app server

I am facing the below issue-:
The number of connections in the app server increases by a huge number after each application publish to the server.
The latest number of connections that we saw on the server was 13000, which is pretty exhaustive and unreaslistic.
I am using the below command to check the number of connections-:netstat -an | grep 11210 | wc -l & netstat -an | grep 11210 | grep “ESTABLISHED” | wc -l
Our assumption is that the connections should get destroyed by CB Client SDK.
Details from my side-:

  • App Server used-: JBOSS
  • Spring-data-couchbase used to manage bucket/connection lifecycle.
  • Client SDK version-:java-client-2.2.8
  • Couchbase Server-:4.5
  • Test Environment with a 3 node cluster

Please help/advice…


This got resolved after an SDK upgrade to java-client-2.3.4

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