USE KEYS for Flating an Array and applying filter

SELECT catalog.offerId, catalog.product.productId as productId, UNNEST childSkus.fee.chargefee as cf,ARRAY s FOR s IN catalog.product.childSkus
WHEN s.skuId IN [“sku8510261”] END AS childSkus
as catalog
use keys [“price::prod9220234”]
WHERE catalog.product.productId IN [“prod9220234”] and cf.commitmentTerm satisfies in [“NE24M50P”]

this is my query

I am trying to read the commitment term array… but getting error… how can i traverse

child skus is an array and charge fee is an array and commitment term is an array

I am getting this above error and not sure why its giving this error

UNNEST can be used in FROM clause (it is join between document and array elements inside document).
SATISFIES needs to be used with ANY clause.

SELECT catalog.offerId, catalog.product.productId as productId, cf, sku AS childSkus
FROM idp_catalog AS catalog USE KEYS ["price::prod9220234"]
UNNEST catalog.childSkus AS sku
UNNEST sku.fee.chargeFee AS cf
WHERE catalog.product.productId IN ["prod9220234"] AND
      sku.skuId IN ["sku8510261"]  AND
      ANY v IN cf.commitmentTerm SATISFIES v IN ["NE24M50P"] END;

hey thnaks

but its not returning me any results

I just tried a simple use case as atatched… getting error

Post sample document that can return row. Remove end;
Check documentation and examples

SELECT catalog.offerId, catalog.product.productId as productId, cf, sku AS childSkus
FROM idp_catalog AS catalog USE KEYS [“price::prod9220234”]
UNNEST catalog.childSkus AS sku
UNNEST sku.fee.chargefee AS cf
WHERE catalog.product.productId IN [“prod9220234”] AND
sku.skuId IN [“sku8510261”] AND
ANY v IN cf.commitmentTerm SATISFIES v IN [“NE24M50P”] END;

In the above query i guess UNNEST sku.fee.chargefee AS cf is having some issue which is resulting in empty array. I tries removing this line and alaso refernces … i was able to retrive the response

field names are case-sensitive so change UNNEST sku.fee.chargeFee AS cf
F is uppercase in chargeFee