Use OF LET with CASE in N1QL


I have two queries one with CASE IN LET KEYWORD AND one without.
Below query works fine

select ARRAY ''||type||'/original/' || FOR v WITHIN images END AS 
pictures from pins LET type = pin_type WHERE pin_type ='atlas';

But When I use CASE in let statement query fails

select ARRAY ''||type||'/original/' || FOR v WITHIN images END AS 
pictures from pins LET type = CASE WHEN pin_type='atlas' THEN 'checkin' ELSE pin_type END AS test WHERE pin_type ='atlas';

with following errors

     "code": 3000,
     "msg": "syntax error - at AS",
     "query_from_user": "select ARRAY ''||type||'/original/' || FOR v WITHIN images END AS \npictures from pins LET type = CASE WHEN pin_type='atlas' THEN 'checkin' ELSE pin_type END AS test WHERE pin_type ='atlas';"

You have extra AS test at the end of LET.
You can assign let variable not Alaias

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