VB.NET Samples Connecting to Couchbase


Change the second line to:

Dim bucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket("Default")

Then change your document creation to:

Dim doc = New Document(Of cbDoc)() With {
    .Id = "my_unique_key",
    .Content = New cbDoc() With {
        .SSN = "123-45-6789",
        .First = "John",
        .Middle = "",
        .Last = "Smith",
        .Addr = "123 Main Street",
        .City = "Brooklyn",
        .State = "NY",
        .ZipCode = "11211"

Dim result = bucket.Insert(doc)

' Check for result.Success, etc

Updates are via .Update, and .Upsert will do an insert or update. So forth and so on.
