Web console query returns results, CURL query does not return results

I have a query that I run in the web console:

SELECT $prop1 FROM $bucket WHERE type = '$type' AND $bucket.$prop2 = '$value'

It returns one result. When I run this query from the command line, it returns no results:

curl -d "statement=SELECT $prop1 FROM $bucket WHERE type = '$type' AND $bucket.$prop2 = '$value'" -v http://$query_node_url:$port/query -u $user:$password | jq

The JSON I get back looks like this:

{ "requestID": "cbd3cc4c-e004-4b4c-956e-9e633a36c29a", "signature": { "userPk": "json" }, "results": [], "status": "success", "metrics": { "elapsedTime": "4.818299ms", "executionTime": "4.768587ms", "resultCount": 0, "resultSize": 0 }

No results!

Could this be a permissions issue? If not, what?


It is not permission issue.

Please try with exact query text (echo “statement=SELECT $prop1 FROM $bucket WHERE type = ‘$type’ AND $bucket.$prop2 = ‘$value’” ). N1QL $variable is query named parameter.

Post what is the values. Exact query you ran on web console.

There are no actual variables in the request. I have a script evaluates certain variables before sending the request.

It works on one cluster of nodes, but not a different cluster. The clusters are not identical. When I point the script at the second cluster, I get 0 results, when I know 1 exists.

Here’s an example of the query:

SELECT userID FROM userData WHERE type = 'user' AND userData.email = 'email_address@example.com'


execute in UI and goto Plan Tab and check each operator #ItemsIn, #ItemsOut and see where is issue

No apparent issues. Stream, Project and Filter all list 1 in, 1 out. Something called IndexScan3 lists 1 out and Authorize lists nothing.


That means things normal. same try with curl and see what is difference.
If needed post the output of following commands. Strip out document information if needed.

curl -v -u user:password http://<host>:8093/query/service -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"statement":"SELECT d.* FROM userData AS d WHERE d.type = \"user\" AND d.email = \"email_address@example.com\""}'
curl -v -u user:password http://<host>:8093/query/service -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"statement":"SELECT d.* FROM userData AS d WHERE d.type = \"user\" AND d.email = \"email_address@example.com\"", "profile":"timings"}'

FYI : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding @ is Reserved Characters it might be causing. Try replace with ASCII (i.e. @ with %40) or use curl JSON header as described above.

@ vsr1 thank you. Your first suggestion:

curl -v -u user:password http://<host>:8093/query/service -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"statement":"SELECT d.* FROM userData AS d WHERE d.type = \"user\" AND d.email = \"email_address@example.com\""}'

worked. I did not need to use percent-encoding for the @.

Do you know why sending JSON worked but ‘statement=’ did not in this one instance?

Anyways, it worked! Happy holidays : )

Already posted in the FYI, curl might be sending whole thing as Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded , @ is reserved character and interpreted differently and doesn’t match.

In Web console navigate to Query->Monitoring ( /ui/index.html#!/query/monitoring ) then choose Completed and you see exact statement executed with curl

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