Why do you force json_decode?


Why do you force json_decode ?

I should be able to receive raw data (json format or whatever) and not a json_decoded version.

N1QL wire protocol uses JSON as an encoding, you cannot substitute it in a protocol. results array, is not an array of values, but rather array of objects, where key is a bucket name and value actual value, and if your value is binary, it will be binary string.

I don’t understand.
In CouchBase i have :

    "type": "city",
     "name": "Palaiseau",
     "country": { "type": "country", "name": "France" }

When I do this

        $couchbaseResult = $this->bucket->query(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString('select * from `odm-test` as city limit 1'));

The var_dump is

object(stdClass)#22 (3) {
  array(1) {
    object(stdClass)#13 (1) {
      object(stdClass)#19 (3) {
        object(stdClass)#21 (2) {
          string(6) "France"
          string(7) "country"
        string(9) "Palaiseau"
        string(4) "city"
  string(7) "success"
  array(4) {
    string(11) "11.543773ms"
    string(11) "11.496255ms"

I expected this one

object(stdClass)#22 (3) {
  array(1) {
        "type": "city",
         "name": "Palaiseau",
         "country": { "type": "country", "name": "France" }
  string(7) "success"
  array(4) {
    string(11) "11.543773ms"
    string(11) "11.496255ms"

Well, i found myself the solution.
I can change this with other transcoder : couchbase_default_decoder

We use:
json_decode(json_encode($couchBucket->get("DOCUMENT_NAME")->value), true);

This returns an array that we can work with.

And that use lots of ressource for nothing :wink:
If you want decode json as an array you can do this :

$bucket->query(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString($query), true);

The second argument “true” decode json as array.

Thank you, optimisation is certainly not my strong point. I’ll roll this out! Got an issue though, should I PM you and see if you know what it is? Don’t want to steal your thread.

Make a new thread, so everyone can participate, and i’ll try to give you an answer.

Do you mean you don’t want the server to store your data as JSON, but rather as a string blob?

I want store them as JSON, but retrieve them as JSON, not decoded.
I can do that with setTranscoder