Fatal error: Class 'Couchbase' not found on Windows

Hi, I have this problem for Couchbase installation in php running in Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
I’m using Wampserver v2.4, Apache Version : 2.4.4, PHP Version : 5.4.12

I downloaded this SDK:
and extracted to my php extensions folder (C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\ext)

then I added this line on my php.ini inside the php5.4.12 folder

I copied the php example from the getting started page:

<?php // adjust these parameters to match your installation $cb = new Couchbase("", "", "", "default"); $cb->set("a", 101); var_dump($cb->get("a")); ?>

It will return this line:
Fatal error: Class ‘Couchbase’ not found in C:\wamp\www\CouchbaseTest\index.php on line 3

Can you help me solve this problem?
Thank you.


Which version of WAMP are you using? 32 or 34bits?
It may be due to the fact that you are using WAMP 64bits and we do not have today a package for it and you should install the 32bits WAMP.

What do you have in your Apache logs?


Yes I used the 64-bits of WAMP. And now I reinstalled using the 32-bits version, copied the extension, and added the line to my php.ini, but it still throws the same error.

Here’s the log from my Apache
"GET /CouchbaseTest/ HTTP/1.1" 200 971

I used the Windows PHP 5.4 TS, 32-bit extension. I tried the NTS as well but both doesn’t work.
Need your advise as I need to rush to do my project using Couchbase.
Thank you very much.


we need to find out what’s the problem here.

Can you run php -m and see if couchbase is listed there and also if errors show up? If it doesnt show up and no errors are there, then it is a path issue.
Otherwise php will complain in there if the module is incompatible.