N1QL and non-default buckets

Have downloaded and implemented N1QL per instructions. I can query the beer-sample and default buckets successfully with cbq. However, when I try to query a new bucket I have created and loaded, I get the “Bucket xxxx does not exist” error.

What have I done wrong?

cbq> select count() from beer-sample
“resultset”: [
"$1": 7304
“info”: [
“caller”: “http_response:160”,
“code”: 100,
“key”: “total_rows”,
“message”: “1”
“caller”: “http_response:162”,
“code”: 101,
“key”: “total_elapsed_time”,
“message”: “1.2151215s”
cbq> select count(
) from trees
“caller”: “standard:69”,
“cause”: “Bucket trees does not exist”,
“code”: 5000,
“key”: “Internal Error”,
“message”: “Optimizer Error”


Can you run

SELECT * FROM :system.buckets

and post the results?

Sorry, I tried to post an update earlier and it didn’t take. I found the issue: I had entered a password in the Access Control config for the data buckets I created…which is apparently not needed/not valid. Once I blanked out that field, the bucket showed up and was available.

Hi, Geraldss!
In my case,
only “SELECT * FROM :system.buckets” can run
"default" and other my own bucket return info :

cbq> SELECT * FROM default;
“caller”: “view_index:200”,
“code”: 5000,
“key”: “Internal Error”,
“message”: “Bucket default not found.”

Can you help me ,tks!


Can you post the results from

SELECT * FROM :system.buckets?


cbq> SELECT * FROM :system.buckets?
“resultset”: [
“id”: “beer-sample”,
“name”: “beer-sample”,
“pool_id”: “default”,
“site_id”: “
“id”: “default”,
“name”: “default”,
“pool_id”: “default”,
“site_id”: “
“info”: [
“caller”: “http_response:160”,
“code”: 100,
“key”: “total_rows”,
“message”: “2”
“caller”: “http_response:162”,
“code”: 101,
“key”: “total_elapsed_time”,
“message”: “12.616279ms”

I find the error at cbq-engine’s logs:

11:09:20.167895 ERROR: Unable to access view - cause: error executing view req at http://lg-voip-signal01.bj:8092/default/_all_docs?limit=1001: 400 Bad Request - {“error”:“bad_request”,“reason”:"_all_docs is no longer supported"}

So ,it’s ok for me By :

